
ABLER Instructions

The instructions below are categorized by the order of tabs when ABLER is first opened.
🗂️ General
Difference between Open and Import?
  • Open is used to open new models separately, and Import to paste new models with existing models present.
  • Import feature is mandatory to import models of <.skp> extensions.
    • It is recommended to select all(A) existing models and erase them before bringing in new models.
Understanding Fly with WASD
  • Fly with WASD supports mouse movement in one’s own point of view, like controlling an airplane.
  • W, A, S, D / Q, E / mouse (like in FPS games) can be used to browse the model.
  • Activate it using[General] > Fly with WASD, or its shortcut Shift + `
    • W / S
      Zoom In / Zoom Out
      A / D
      Horizontal movement
      Q / E
      Vertical movement
      Point selection
      ESC 또는 Enter 또는 마우스 버튼 클릭
      Fly with WASD End
      Del( or ⌘ + ⌫)
      Reset Fly with WASD movements
🎥 Camera
How Camera works
  • The default setting for Camera in ABLER is “Orbit” mode, which orbits around the selected object.
    • notion image
Understanding Camera
  • The camera can be thought of as the “sightline” or “point of view”, and “field of view”.
  • The image projected by the camera is the current “screen”.
  • The screen is also the area inside the red line marked as “render area”.
    • The red line in the image below appears much lighter on ABLER.
notion image
  • Same definitions goes along with “Camera view” and ”Viewport”.
How to use [Camera]
  • The camera controls are as follows :
    • 1) Click mouse wheel + move mouse 2) Click Rotation+ Drag
      Rotate model in any direction
      1) Shift + Click mouse wheel + move mouse 2) Click Move + Drag
      Move the model while the camera direction is fixed
      1) Scroll mouse wheel 2) Click Zoom + Drag up/down
      Zoom in / out
      Shift + c
      Zoom out entirely
      Move to center
      Move to the center of the whole model
      A + .
      Move to the center of the selected obejct
      Select Object + .
  • Fly with WASD can also be used, where the camera becomes the center point.
    • Shift + `
      Start Fly with WASD
      W / S
      Zoom In / Zoom Out
      A / D
      Horizontal movement
      Q / E
      Vertical movement
      Point selection
      ESC or Enter or click mouse button
      Fly with WASD End
      Del( or ⌘ + ⌫)
      Reset Fly with WASD movements
How to change center points
  • Select the object intended to be the new center point and press (.).
    • The camera will move around that object.
Understanding Focal length
  • Focal Length is a concept similar to the lens distance of a real camera.
    • When focal length is shortened, the shooting range is widened through the wide-angle lens.
    • When the focal length is lengthened, the shooting range is narrowed through the telephoto lens and the object being seen becomes larger. (A distant object can be displayed large.)
    • “43mm” is similar to the actual viewing angle by our eyes.
Understanding Depth of Field
  • Make an “outfocusing” effect that makes objects over a certain distance look blurry.
    • Focus on Object
      Clearly expresses the selected (by object picker) object.
      Focus Distance
      As values get lower, the camera expresses shorter distance.
      As values get lower, less light enters the camera. (blurriness)
Adding background images
  • Insert backgrounds or effect images on the front and back of the model using the [Camera] tab.
  • ABLER offers (commercially available) default images, and any custom image of your choice is available for use also.
  • A variety of custom options are available.
    • Opacity
      Adjusts the transparency of the image.
      Specifies the front and back positions of the image.
      Frame Method
      Scales the image size in the render area.
      Adjusts the image’s position on the X or Y axis.
      Rotates image.
      Adjusts the size of the image.
      Flips the image horizontally or vertically.
🛤️ Scenes
Understand [Scenes] Save my set values Save and import viewpoints
  • Scenes saves all changes from panel features except moving/rotating/scaling/material change of an object. These [Scenes] can be recalled when needed.
    • You can save & import the area that the camera is looking at.
      • Add Scene +
        Save current scene settings, along with specific presets applied.
        Delete Scene -
        Delete saved scenes.
  • ABLER offers presets such as Indoor Daytime / Sunset / Nighttime, Outdoor Daytime / Sunset / Nighttime.
Understand Look at me
  • Look at me makes a specific object face the camera.
Understand Group Navigation
  • Group Navigation designates the highest / high / low / lowest group that the selected object belongs to.
    • Groups designated by the model’s creator can also be grouped / ungrouped.
    • The ‘highest group’ is the maximum group that can be specified, and the ‘lowest group’ corresponds to the object of the smallest unit selected.
Lock Layers
  • By locking a layer, objects added on it will not be selectable.
When Layers cannot be found
  • Layers are created by the model’s creator, and some layers are not present in ABLER, depending on the model.
🔮 Style
Difference between Min Line Width and Max Line Width
  • Line thickness is affected by the depth of the space / field.
  • Lines with lower depth are thin, while the opposite are thick.
  • Lines with the lowest depth follow the value of Min Line Width, and the highest line follows the value of Max Line Width.
  • Medium depth lines are affected by Min Line Width as the depth decreases, and by Max Line Width as the depth increases.
    • If the lines are densely clustered in the background in the back, giving a black and dense feeling, reducing the Min Line Width value will solve it.
  • If Min Line Width and Max Line Width are set to the same value, lines of the same thickness are drawn regardless of depth.
Why Line Detail is needed
  • Line Detail is a factor that determines how many lines are rendered.
  • The higher the Line Detail, the more lines appear on the screen.
  • Therefore, models with many curved surfaces may look different depending on Line Detail.
notion image
Difference between ‘(Actual) Light’ and ‘Light Expression’
  • ABLER implements various features and effects based on “light expression” separated from actual “light”.
    • Features related to ‘light expression’ consist of shading features found in Object Properties / Toon Style Shading / Bloom
  • To maximize the toon-like effects, light can be expressed without having an influence on natural shadows.
Difference between Altitude and Azimuth of Sunlight
  • An imaginary sun is set on ABLER, where the sun's rays create light and shadows within the model.
  • Both Altitude and Azimuth relate to the position of the imaginary sun.
  • Altitude refers to the height of the sun.
    • The higher the altitude of the sun, the more sunlight it falls vertically from above.
    • The lower the altitude of the sun, the more the sunlight shines at an angle from a relatively close position.
  • Azimuth is the angle at which the sunlight shines, and indicates where the light comes from based on 360˚.
  • In summary, Altitude moves shadows up and down, and Azimuth moves shadows left and right.
notion image
Understanding Toon Style Shading
  • Toon Style Shading controls the expression of toon styles based on whether or not, and how to divide “light”.
    • “Toon Color Depth” & Brightness adjust the division area and range of light.
    • notion image
How to change “materials” of objects
  • Use [Style] > Object Properties
      1. Select the object to modify, so that the current material is displayed.
      notion image
      1. Here, materials can be changed to :
        1. Diffuse
          Default material
          Creates reflections
          Makes bloom effects.
          Renders transparent images
Understanding Bloom
  • Bloom makes light spread, brightening the whole image. It also controls the lightings on certain models.
  • Lights generated by Bloom is not a real light source, so it doesn't affect shadows.
How Bloom works
  • Bloom illuminates areas with brightness higher than a “specific value”.
  • Threshold determines the “specific value”.
  • Intensity controls the intensity of light in areas that are above the “specific value”.
Knee & Clamp in Bloom
  • Both features adjusts how smooth the connection is between the luminous and non-luminous areas.
    • However, it's best to keep them untouched since there are no big differences.
Understanding Exposure
  • Exposure and Gamma levels of the Camera only affects objects (does not affect background images).
  • Higher Exposure makes light areas lighter, and dark areas also.
  • Gamma levels manages the sensitivity of light.
  • To make interior areas (where all sides are enclosed with walls) as bright as outside, set Exposure to 3.3, and Gamma to 1.
🎞️ Export
Exporting Images How to Save Images
  • Select “how” and “what” Scene to Render.
    • Full Render
      Renders a high-quality image according to the pixels set.
      Texture Render
      Extracts materials only, according to the pixels set.
      Line Render
      Extracts lines only, according to the pixels set.
      Shadow Render
      Extracts shadows only, according to the pixels set.
      Quick Render
      Renders quickly according to the pixels set.
      Snip Render
      Renders 2 images : one discluding selected objects, one as a whole.
  • ABLER always saves the program file before starting a Render.
    • If a file does not have a save history, a pop-up is exposed first that specifies the save location for that file, and if you have done so, a pop-up that asks to select the save location for the Render image is exposed first.
  • Progress bars are seen while Render works.
    • Rendering progress can be witnessed real-time
Difference between Full Render and Quick Render의 차이
  • When an image with a large render size is exported and then enlarged, the quality of shadows are significantly different.
    • This is not quite noticeable in normal conditions, so it is recommended to use Quick Render since it has faster rendering time.